About the Author

Born in the small, southern town of Ferriday, Louisiana in 1959, the author grew up during decades clouded by racial segregation and civil unrest yet brightened by a spirit of freedom. These simultaneous movements motivated young people to stand up for change and to seek their own paths towards equality and peace. Jackie embraced this free-spirited lifestyle from an early age, choosing to live life to its fullest at every opportunity, often forgoing more traditional paths as a result. After graduating high school at seventeen, she left home and began an eight-year 'road trip' which took her to many places and taught her more than one hard life lesson. Writing short stories and essays about her travels and experiences served as an outlet and opened her eyes to other opportunities that lay within her grasp. With that awareness, she returned to her studies at age 26 and earned a nursing degree. Working most of her professional career in the field of forensics as a Certified Psychiatric RN, she retired in 2019. With three adult children and having two marriages behind her, she met her Belgian partner, Luc Borms, and they were married in 2021. The couple now shares life between their two homes, one in Natchez, Mississippi and the other in Erembodegem, Belgium. Jackie also shares her passions with Luc which include travel, writing, music, photography and renovation. A Vanished Journey is her first publication, and it offers the reader a closer glimpse into her life and the 69-day journey upon which the book is founded.